Linda Meenan

October 24, 2015

Linda Meenan

This is a testimony to all that has happened and how the Lord used the running club to get me through. 
In March a routine check up my blood sugar was 400. This was unexpected and alarming. I was immediately put on insulin and metformin. I was told this was from Covid that I had. I have never been ill so this was a challenge. ( Many things come out of Covid (damage to the pancreas) that often is undetected.) Then my back was injured, so I was in double trouble. I had two disc injuries and it was very painful. I could not walk for 3 days. I started to go to a chiropractor. 
The teachings in the running club kept my mind in the right direction. I kept my mind on Jesus. I worshipped and gave Him praise.

I refused to accept any negative thought in my mind. I told my doctor – this high blood sugar stuff is not staying in my body. It is only passing through. I am a christian and I know the Lord will heal me. I told my chiropractor to fix my back because I am in a running club and I have to run. He really liked that. 

Well, long story short. I am running again. My blood sugar is 96 and I will be completely off all insulin in 3 weeks (they have to taper you off of it). She wants to see how I do before tapering the metformin. 

Although there were weeks of slow performance, I kept the word of the Lord in my Spirit and did whatever I could to step forward. 

I lost 10 pounds, completed the 14 day juice challenge, am running 3 days a week 4 miles and yesterday I got the news they are taking me off insulin. That made my heart rejoice. To God be the glory. 

The classes and the inspirational testimonies were fire in my engine during that time. The doctor was completely surprised at how quickly my sugar dropped. She said, “…this is very impressive….” The chiropractor is asking me to tell his other patients to join the running club. 

Thank you for all you do. To God be the Glory. I feel fantastic.
God bless you all, 

Linda Meenan .