Letha Lazenby

November 16, 2017

Letha Lazenby

My Testimony
I truly believe being a mother of five children is such an honor. My children has been such a blessing in my life. Every time I think about the goodness of God I can’t believe He used me to deliver them into this world. I give God all the honor and glory because I know my children would not have made all their accomplishment without the love of GOD. God said in His word; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Yesss, God has truly directed me as I have raise my children. He used me as a vessel and I praise him for it.

My oldest son LaClarence has graduated from college, Married Jazmine, and now they have blessed me with a grandson Jari, My son started out as a manager of Kohl right after graduation he changed jobs and just receive a promotions at Aldi… Now he manages his own store.

My second son Joshua was blessed to be in an engineering program which he stills attend in Indianapolis. He told me he will pay for his own tuition, through scholarships and work programs he’s involved in, Josh also worked in the internship program here at living word to help research and develop the patent program and he also had an opportunity to personally me pastor Winston. This past summer he was accepted into an engineering internship.

My third son Joseph is in his 4th year of college and working two jobs MB financial Bank gave him a promotion recently, he was accepted in an internship for two years at the Goodman Theatre where he is studying to become actor.

Juanita is in her 2nd year of college and working two jobs, She’s starting out as an entrepreneur while going to college. She’s working towards becoming a lawyer.

And Gwendolyn is a Junior in high school, She has been chosen as an ambassador at her school, plays in the band, attended 2 mock trials where she was a lawyer in one of them.  She also work for Blair Williams downtown Chicago through her school once a week. She was also chosen to attend a summer golfing program paid salary, room and board and meals all paid for. She also attended the S.T.A.R.S. program and she was chosen to present a presentation to the whole congregation here at Living Word. All of my children are honor roll students.

God said in his word all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Therefore God decided to bless me with a 2nd marriage. Ray and I was blessed to have our marriage here this year at living word in the east sanctuary on June 24th. And Guess what through this union my family was bless with another daughter/ sister, Ray’s daughter and her name is Heavenly. It’s so funny how she brings togetherness to our lives. She likes to play family games that bring all of us together.

While attending Living Word and the Kingdom Running club I have made several dream boards. I mediated on God’s word and read my affirmations. On one of my dream boards I put all my bills on it. On one I put marriage, on another I put my family. I received a postcard in the mail through my mortgage company. I applied for the program and they are paying my mortgage for a year.  For the last two years Gwendolyn’s, Juanita’s , Joseph’s, and Joshua’s tuition for school has been paid in full… As Pastor would say “Ain’t God Good”.  All of God’s Blessing coming upon me and overtaking me.

Praise the Lord.